a Möbius-Torus Into a Walkable Sculpture (EECS-2019-170)
Dec. 2019, Brian Aronowitz and Carlo H. Séquin
Sculpture Designs Based on Borromean Soap Films (EECS-2018-192) Dec. 2018, Carlo H. Séquin
Toroids Constructed from Nonahedra (EECS-2017-114) May 2017,
Carlo H. Séquin, Yifat Amir, Ruta Jawale, Hong Jeon, Alex Romano
and Rohan Taori
Issues in Pacioli’s Rhombicuboctahedron (EECS-2015-169) June
2015, Carlo H. Séquin and Raymond Shiau
Construction of a Cubist Girl Cap (EECS-2013-130) July 2013, Carlo H. Séquin
Homotopies of Low-Genus Non-Orientable Surfaces
(EECS-2013-21) March 2013, Carlo H. Séquin [revised version
of the one below]
Homotopies of Low-Genus Non-Orientable Surfaces
(EECS-2012-200) Carlo H. Séquin [replaced by the above]
Torus Immersions and Transformations (EECS-2011-83) Carlo H. Séquin
Constructing an Augmented Rhombicuboctahedron (RCO) (EECS-2011-77) Carlo H. Séquin
Symmetrical Embeddings of Regular Maps R5.13 and R5.6 (EECS-2010-137) Carlo H. Séquin
15 Years of Scherk-Collins Saddle Chains (EECS-2010-41) Carlo H. Séquin
Spline Knots and Their Control Polygons With Differing Knottedness (EECS-2009-152) Carlo H. Séquin
Intuitive Exposition of Third Order Surface Behavior (EECS-2008-125) Pushkar Prakash Joshi and Carlo H. Séquin
Interlinked Isohedral Tilings of 3D Space (EECS-2008-83) Roman Fuchs and Carlo H. Séquin
Interactive CAD Software for the Design of Free-form
2-Manifold Surfaces. (NOME) (EECS-2018-48) Gauthier Dieppedalle
Geometry Kernel and UI for Handling Non-orientable 2-Mainfolds
(EECS-2016-65) Yu Wang
Using Perspective Rays and Symmetry to Model “Duality” (EECS-2016-13) Alex Wang
3D Modeling (EECS-2013-103) James
and Torsion Minimization of Toroidal Loops (EECS-2012-165)
Avik Das