Carlo H. Séquin: Publications
University of Basel
- 1
- E. Baldinger, M. Lenzlinger, and C. H. Séquin: "Bestrahlung
von MOS Feld-effekt Transitoren mit Co60,'' Zeitschrift für
angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 17, 466-467 (1966)
- 2
- E. Baldinger und C. H. Séquin: "Grenzflächen-Zustände in
MOS-Transistoren,'' ZAMP 18, 926-928 (1967)
- 3
- E. Baldinger und C. H. Séquin: "Grenzflächen-Zustände in
MOS-Transistoren,'' ZAMP 20, 587-589 (1969)
- 4
- C. H. Séquin und E. Baldinger: "Realisierung einer
Untereinheit zur Zeichenerkennung,'' ZAMP 20, 997-999 (1969)
- 5
- C. H. Séquin, R. Minder und E. Baldinger: "Ein multistabiles
Gewichtselement für lernfähige Systeme,'' ZAMP 21, 850-852
- 6
- C. H. Séquin and E. Baldinger: "Interface States in
Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors,''
Solid-State Electronics 13, 1527-1540 (1970)
- 7
- C. H. Séquin: "Fringe Field Corrections for Capacitors on Thin
Dielectric Layers,'' Solid-State Electronics 14, 417-420 (1971)
- 8
- C. H. Séquin and M. A. Nicolet: "Permittivity of GaS at Low
Frequencies,'' Solid-State Electronics 14, 421-422 (1971)
Bell Laboratories
- 9
- W. J. Bertram, D. A. Sealer, C. H. Séquin and M. F. Tompsett:
"Recent Advances in Charge-Coupled Imaging Devices,'' INTERCON
1972, New York, Digest, 292-293 (1972)
- 10
- C. H. Séquin, W. J. Bertram, B. B. Kosicki, D. A. Sealer and
M. F. Tompsett: "Charge Coupled Image Sensing Devices,'' NEREM
1972, Boston, Record, 153-156 (1972)
- 11
- C. H. Séquin: "Blooming Suppression in Charge-Coupled Area
Imaging Devices,'' Bell Syst. Tech. Jour. 51, 1923-1926 (1972)
- 12
- M. F. Tompsett, W. J. Bertram, D. A. Sealer and C. H. Séquin:
"Charge Coupling Improves Its Image, Challenging Video Camera
Tubes,'' Electronics 46, 162-169 (1973)
- 13
- C. H. Séquin, D. A. Sealer, W. J. Bertram and M. F. Tompsett,
R. R. Buckley, T. A. Shankoff and W. J. McNamara: "A Charge
Coupled Area Image Sensor and Frame Store," IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices ED-20, 244-252 (1973)
- 14
- C. H. Séquin: "Interlacing in Charge-Coupled Imaging
Devices,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-20, 535-541 (1973)
- 15
- M. F. Tompsett, D. A. Sealer and C. H. Séquin: "Charge-Coupled
Devices for Image Sensing,'' CCD Applications Conference, San
Diego, Proceedings, 1-6 (1973)
- 16
- C. H. Séquin, D. A. Sealer, W. J. Bertram, R. R. Buckley, F.
J. Morris, T. A. Shankoff and M. F. Tompsett: "Charge-Coupled
Image Sensing Devices Using Three Levels of Polysilicon,'' ISSCC
1974, Philadelphia, Digest of Tech. Papers, 24-25 (1974)
- 17
- D. A. Sealer, C. H. Séquin and M. F. Tompsett: "High
Resolution Charge Coupled Image Sensors,'' INTERCON 1974, New
York, Digest, paper 2/1 (1974)
- 18
- C. H. Séquin: "Experimental Investigation of a Linear
500-Element Three-Phase CCD,'' Bell Sys. Tech. Jour. 53, 581-610
- 19
- C. H. Séquin: "Two-Dimensional Charge-Transfer Arrays,'' IEEE
Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-9, 134-142 (1974)
- 20
- C. H. Séquin, T. A. Shankoff and D. A. Sealer: "Measurements
on a Charge-Coupled Area Image Sensor with Blooming
Suppression,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-21, 331-341
- 21
- C.H. Séquin, F. J. Morris, R. A. Shankoff, M. F. Tompsett and
E. J. Zimany: "Charge-Coupled Area Image Sensor Using Three
Levels of Polysilicon,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-21,
712-720 (1974)
- 22
- W. J. Bertram, A. M. Mohsen, F. J. Morris, D. A. Sealer, C.H.
Séquin and M.F. Tompsett: "A Three-Level Metallization
Three-Phase CCD,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-21, 758-767
- 23
- C. H. Séquin and A. M. Mohsen: "Linearity of Electrical Charge
Injection Into Charge-Coupled Devices,'' IEDM 1974, Washington,
Technical Digest, 229-232 (1974)
- 24
- A. M. Mohsen, M. F. Tompsett and C. H. Séquin: "Noise
Measurements in Charge-Coupled Devices,'' IEDM 1974, Washington,
Technical Digest, 236-239 (1974)
- 25
- A. M. Mohsen, T. F. Retajczyk and C. H. Séquin: "Offset Mask
Charge Coupled Devices for Memory Applications,'' IEDM 1974,
Washington, Abstract 6.8 (1974)
- 26
- C. H. Séquin and A. M. Mohsen: "Linearity of Electrical Charge
Injection into Charge-Coupled Devices,'' IEEE Jour. Solid-State
Circuits SC-10, 81-92 (1975)
- 27
- A. M. Mohsen, M. F. Tompsett and C. H. Séquin: "Noise
Measurements in Charge-Coupled Devices,'' IEEE Trans. Electron
Devices ED-22, 209-218 (1975)
- 28
- M. F. Tompsett, A. M. Mohsen, D. A. Sealer and C. H. Séquin:
"Design and Characterization of CCD's for Analog Signal
Processing,'' IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Digest:
Advanced Solid-State Components for Signal Processing, 83-89
- 29
- C. H. Séquin: "Logic Drive Circuit for 3-Phase Charge Coupled
Devices,'' Electronics Let. 11, 371-372 (1975)
- 30
- C. H. Séquin and M. F. Tompsett: Charge Transfer Devices,
Supplement 8 to Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics,
Academic Press, New York, 1975
- 31
- C. H. Séquin, E. J. Zimany, M. F. Tompsett and E. N. Fuls:
"All-Solid-State Camera for the 525-Line Television Format,''
Joint Spec. Issue, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-23, IEEE
Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-11, 183-189 (1976)
- 32
- C. H. Séquin: "Introduction to Charge-Coupled Devices,''
233-259 "Organization of Charge-Coupled Image Sensors,'' 261-274
"Image Sensors Using Surface Channel CCD's,'' 305-329
"Interlacing in Solid State Image Sensors,'' 523-534 "Electrical
Charge Injection into Charge-Coupled Devices,'' 427-444 Five
Chapters in "Solid State Imaging,'' edited by P.G. Jespers, F.
Van de Wiele and M.H. White, NATO Advanced Study Institutes
Series, Ser. E-No16, Noordhoff-Leyden (1976)
- 37
- C. H. Séquin: "Antialiasing Inputs for Charge-Coupled
Devices,'' IEDM 1976, Washington, Technical Digest, 31-34 (1976)
- 38
- D. A. Sealer, C. H. Séquin, P. M. Ryan, P. I. Suciu, J. L.
Statile, E. N. Fuls and M. F. Tompsett: "A Dual-Differential
Analog Shift Register with a Charge-Splitting Input and On-Chip
Peripheral Circuits,'' ISSCC 1977, Philadelphia, Digest of Tech.
Papers, 148-149 (1977)
- 39
- C. H. Séquin, M. F. Tompsett, D. A. Sealer, P. I. Suciu and P.
M. Ryan: "Sensing Technique for Selfcontained Charge-Coupled
Split-Electrode Filters,'' ISSCC 1977, Philadelphia, Digest of
Tech. Papers, 150-151 (1977)
- 40
- M. P. Lepselter and C. H. Séquin: "Silicon Wizardry,'' Jap.
Jour. Appl. Phys. 16, Suppl. 16-1, 5-8 (1977)
- 41
- C. H. Séquin, M.F. Tompsett, D.A. Sealer and R.E. Crochiere:
"A Symmetrically Balanced Linear Differential Charge Splitting
Input for Charge Coupled Devices,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
ED-24, 746-750 (1977)
- 42
- C. H. Séquin: "Antialiasing Inputs for Charge Coupled
Devices,'' IEEE Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-12, no. 6, 609-616
- 43
- C. H. Séquin, M. F. Tompsett, P. I. Suciu, D. A. Sealer, P. M.
Ryan and E. J. Zimany: "Self-Contained Charge-Coupled
Split-Electrode Filters Using a Novel Sensing Technique,'' IEEE
Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-12, no. 6, 626-632 (1977)
- 44
- D. A. Sealer, C. H. Séquin, E. N. Fuls, P. M. Ryan, J. L.
Statile and M. F. Tompsett: "A Dual-Differential Analog Shift
Register with a Charge-Splitting Input and On-Chip Peripheral
Circuit,'' IEEE Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-12, no. 6, 633-637
- 45
- C. H. Séquin and M. F. Tompsett: Charge Transfer Devices,
transl. to Japanese, John Weatherhill, Inc., 1978.
- 46
- C.H. Séquin and M. F. Tompsett: Charge Transfer Devices,
translated into Russian, MIR, Moscow, 1978.
U. C. Berkeley
- 47
- B. Hon and C. H. Séquin: Guide to LSI Implementation Xerox
PARC, Palo Alto, CA, Sept. 27, 1978.
- 48
- C. H. Séquin, A. M. Despain and D. A. Patterson:
"Communication in X-tree, a Modular Multiprocessor System,'' ACM
78, Washington D.C., Dec. 4-6, 1978, Proceedings, 194-203,
- 49
- C. H. Séquin: "Single-Chip Computers, the New VLSI Building
Blocks,'' VLSI Conference, CALTECH, Pasadena, CA, Jan. 22-24,
1979, Proceedings pp 435-445.
- 50
- D. A. Patterson, E. S. Fehr and C. H. Séquin: "Design
Considerations for the VLSI Processor of X-Tree,'' 6th Symp. on
Computer Architecture, Philadelphia, N.J., April 23-25, 1979,
Proceedings, 90-101, (1979)
- 51
- B. Hon and C. H. Séquin: Guide to LSI Implementation second
revised and extended edition, Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA, Jan.
- 52
- C. H. Séquin: "Instruction in MOS LSI Systems Design" Computer
Magazine 13, No 3, pp 67-73, March 1980.
- 53
- D. A. Patterson and C. H. Séquin: "Design Considerations for
Single-Chip Computers of the Future" Joint Spec. Issue, IEEE
Jour. Solid-State Circuits SC-15, No.1 and IEEE Trans. Computers
C-29, No.2, pp 108-116, Feb. 1980.
- 54
- C. H. Séquin, A. M. Despain and D. A. Patterson: "Networks of
Single-Chip Computers,'' FOREFRONT 1979, College of Engineering,
University of California, Berkeley, pp 26-29.
- 55
- C. H. Séquin: "Message Switching Circuits for
Multi-Microprocessors,'' COMPCON, San Francisco, Feb. 28, 1980,
Digest pp 328-334.
- 56
- C. H. Séquin: "Pipe-Dreams,'' artwork on Computer Science
Division Brochure, cover, May 1980.
- 57
- C. H. Séquin: "Twisted Prismatic Klein Bottles,'' The American
Mathematical Monthly Vol.87, No.4, pp 269-277, April 1980.
- 58
- M. E. Newell and C. H. Séquin: "The Inside Story on
Self-intersecting Polygons,'' LAMBDA Magazine of VLSI Design,
Vol.1, No.2, pp 20-24, May 1980.
- 59
- C. H. Séquin: "VLSI Systems Design at Xerox PARC. An
Overview,'' Introduction to Section 2 of: "A Decade of
Research,'' 10th Anniversary Year Book, Xerox Palo Alto
Rearearch Center June 1980.
- 60
- C. H. Séquin: "Single Chip Computers, the New VLSI Building
Blocks,'' Proc. Workshop on VLSI, University of Newcastle upon
Tyne, Computing Laboratory, Tech. Report No. 156, Oct. 1980.
- 61
- D. A. Patterson and C. H. Séquin: "RISC I: A Reduced
Instruction Set VLSI Computer,'' Conf. Proc. 8th Annual
Symposium on Computer Architecture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May
12-14, 1981, pp 443-457.
- 62
- C. H. Séquin: "Doubly Twisted Torus Networks for VLSI
Processor Arrays" Conf. Proc. 8th Annual Symposium on Computer
Architecture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 12-14, 1981, pp
- 63
- C. H. Séquin: "Digital Electronics in the Planiverse" in: A
Symposium on Two-Dimensional Science and Technology (A.K.
Dewdney, editor), Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Canada, May
81, pp 212-223.
- 64
- C. H. Séquin: "Mapping a Doubly Twisted Torus into the
Plane,'' artwork on Computer Science Division Brochure, cover,
June 1981.
- 65
- A. R. Newton, D. O. Pederson, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli,
and C. H. Séquin: "Design Aids for VLSI: The Berkeley
Perspective,'' IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, No. 7,
1981, pp 666-680.
- 66
- C. H. Séquin: "Generalized IC Layout Rules and Layout
Representations,'' Proc. VLSI 81, (Academic Press), Edinburgh,
August 18-21, 1981, pp 13-23.
- 67
- D. T. Fitzpatrick, M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, Z.
Peshkess, R. W. Sherburne, J. K. Foderaro, H. A. Landman, J. B.
Peek, C. H. Séquin, and K. S. Van Dyke: "VLSI Implementation of
a Reduced Instruction Set Computer,'' Proc. VLSI Systems and
Computations, CMU, Pittsburgh, Oct 19-21, 1981, pp 327-336.
- 68
- D. T. Fitzpatrick, J. K. Foderaro, M. G. H. Katevenis, H. A.
Landman, D. A. Patterson, J. B. Peek, Z. Peshkess, C. H. Séquin,
R. W. Sherburne, and K. S. Van Dyke: "A RISCy Appproach to
VLSI,'' VLSI Design, 4th quarter 1981, pp 14-20.
- 69
- J. R. Goodman and C. H. Séquin: "Hypertree, a Multiprocessor
Interconnection Topology,'' IEEE Trans. Computers, C-30, No.12,
Dec. 1981, pp 923-933.
- (55)
- C. H. Séquin: "Message Switching Circuits for
Multi-Microprocessors,'' reprinted in Microcomputer Networks,
H.A. Freeman and K.J.Thurber, editors, IEEE Computer Society
Press, 1981, pp 131-137.
- 70
- D. A. Patterson and C. H. Séquin: "RISCy Course Sequence
Creates RISCy Microcomputer,'' FOREFRONT 1981, College of
Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, pp 14-18.
- 71
- R. W. Sherburne jr., M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, and
C. H. Séquin: ``Datapath Design for RISC,'' Proc. Conf. on Adv.
Res. in VLSI, M.I.T. Cambridge, Mass, Jan. 25-27, 1982, pp
- 72
- C. H. Séquin: "Trends in Very Large Scale Integration and
their Impact on the Designer,'' in: Design Methodologies for
VLSI, P.G. Jespers, C. H. Séquin, and F. VanDeWiele editors,
Noordhoff Publishing, Jan. 82, pp 1-9.
- 73
- C. H. Séquin: "Standard Interchange Formats for Integrated
Circuit Design,'' in: Design Methodologies for VLSI, P.G.
Jespers, C.H. Séquin, and F. VanDeWiele editors, Noordhoff
Publishing, Jan. 82, pp 139-146.
- 74
- C. H. Séquin and A. R. Newton: "Description of STIF 1.0,'' in:
Design Methodologies for VLSI, P.G. Jespers, C. H. Séquin, and
F. VanDeWiele editors, Noordhoff Publishing, Jan. 82, pp
- 75
- C. H. Séquin: "General-Purpose Components for Distributed
Computing Systems,'' in: Design Methodologies for VLSI, P.G.
Jespers, C.H. Séquin, and F. VanDeWiele editors, Noordhoff
Publishing, Jan. 82, pp 375-392.
- (68)
- D. T. Fitzpatrick, J. K. Foderaro, M. G. H. Katevenis, H. A.
Landman, D. A. Patterson, J. B. Peek, Z. Peshkess, C. H. Séquin,
R. W. Sherburne, and K. S. Van Dyke: "A RISCy Appproach to
VLSI,'' reprinted in Computer Architecture News, Vol 10, No 1,
March 1982, pp 28-32.
- 76
- S. Ellis, K. Keller, R. Newton, D. O. Pederson, A.
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and C. H. Séquin: "A Symbolic Layout
Design System,'' International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems, Rome, May 10-12, 1982.
- 77
- C. H. Séquin: "UNIGRAFIX" artwork on Computer Science Division
Brochure, cover, 1982.
- 78
- D. A. Patterson and C. H. Séquin: "A VLSI RISC,'' COMPUTER,
V15, No9, pp 8-21, Sept. 1982.
- 79
- R. M. Fujimoto and C. H. Séquin: "The Impact of VLSI on
Communications in Multiprocessor Networks,'' Proc. COMPSAC 82,
pp 231-238, Chicago, Nov. 10-12, 1982.
- 80
- C. H. Séquin: "Managing VLSI Complexity: an Outlook,'' IEEE
Proceedings Vol 71, No 1, pp 149-166, Jan. 1983.
- 81
- C. H. Séquin and P. S. Strauss: "UNIGRAFIX,'' 20th Design
Automation Conference Proc., pp 374-381, June 28, 1983.
- 82
- C. H. Séquin: "GRANNY - KNOT LATTICE,'' artwork on Computer
Science Division Brochure, cover, 1983.
- 83
- C. H. Séquin and D. A. Patterson: "Design and Implementation
of RISC I,'' in VLSI Architecture, B. Randell and P.C.
Treleaven, editors, Prentice Hall, 1983, pp 276-298.
- 84
- C. H. Séquin and R. M. Fujimoto: "X-tree and Y-components,''
in VLSI Architecture, B. Randell and P.C. Treleaven, editors,
Prentice Hall, 1983, pp 299-326.
- 85
- M. G. H. Katevenis, R. W. Sherburne, D. A. Patterson, and C.
H. Séquin: "The RISC II Micro Architecture,'' Proc. VLSI 83
Conference, Trondheim, Norway, Aug.18, 1983, pp 349-359.
- 86
- C. H. Séquin: "VLSI Technology Development Priorities:
Computer Systems Builder's Perspective,'' Proc. Conf. on VLSI
Technology, Hawaii, Sept. 1983, pp 8-11.
- (80)
- C. H. Séquin: "Managing VLSI Complexity: an Outlook,''
reprinted in Nikkei Electronics No 326, pp 163-192, Sept. 1983.
- 87
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Self-checking VLSI Building Blocks
for Fault-Tolerant Multicomputers,'' Proc. Intnl. Conf. on
Computer Design, New York, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3, 1983, pp 561-564.
- 88
- R. W. Sherburne, M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, and C.
H. Séquin: "Local Memory in RISCs,'' Proc. Intnl. Conf. on
Computer Design, New York, Oct. 31 -Nov. 3, 1983, pp 149-152.
- 89
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Strategies for Managing the
Register File in RISC,'' IEEE Trans. on Computers, C-32,N0 11,
Nov. 1983, pp 977-989.
- 90
- B. A. Barsky and C. H. Séquin: "Computer Graphics at
Berkeley,'' EECS/ERL 1984 Research Summary, Jan. 1984, pp
- 91
- R. W. Sherburne, M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, and C.
H. Séquin: "A 32b NMOS Microprocessor with a Large Register
File,'' ISSCC 1984, Digest of Tech. Papers, San Francisco, Feb.
1984, pp 168-169.
- 92
- C. H. Séquin: "The Unigrafix 2 System" Conf. Proc. Computer
Graphics'84, Annaheim CA., May 1984, pp 639-647.
- 93
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Design and Application of
Self-Testing Comparators Implemented with MOS PLA's" IEEE Trans.
on Computers, Special Issue on Reliable and Fault-Tolerant
Computing, C-33, N0 6, June 1984, pp 493-506.
- 94
- C. H. Séquin: "UNIX + Graphics = UNIGRAFIX'', CommUNIXation -
Special Graphics Issue No.18, pp 8-13, July 1984.
- 95
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Error Recovery in Multicomputers
Using Global Checkpoints,'' 13th Parallel Processing Conference,
Bellaire, MI, Aug. 1984
- 96
- R. W. Sherburne, M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, and C.
H. Séquin: "A 32b NMOS Microprocessor with a Large Register
File,'' IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp 682-689, Oct.
- (78)
- D. A. Patterson, and C. H. Séquin: "A VLSI RISC,'' reprinted
in `Microprocessors and Microcomputers', 3d edition, B.D.
Carroll, editor, IEEE Computer Society Press, Silver Spring, MD,
pp 158-170, 1984.
- (69)
- J. R. Goodman and C. H. Séquin: "Hypertree, a Multiprocessor
Interconnection Topology,'' reprinted in `Interconnection
Networks', C. Wu and T. Feng, editors, IEEE Computer Society
Press, Silver Spring, MD, pp 46-56, 1984.
- (62)
- C. H. Séquin: "Doubly Twisted Torus Networks for VLSI
Processor Arrays" reprinted in `Interconnection Networks', C. Wu
and T. Feng, editors, IEEE Computer Society Press, Silver
Spring, MD, pp 466-472, 1984.
- 97
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Reducing Common Mode Failures in
Duplicate Modules,'' Proc. Intnl. Conf. on Computer Design, pp
302-307, Port Chester NY, Oct. 1984.
- 98
- C. H. Séquin and P. R. Wensley: "Visible Feature Return at
Object Resolution" IEEE Computer Graphics and Application, pp
37-50, May 1985.
- 99
- M. Segal and C. H. Séquin: "Consistent Calculations for Solids
Modeling" Proc. of Conf. on Computational Geometry, Baltimore,
MD, June 1985.
- (80)
- C. H. Séquin: "Managing VLSI Complexity: an Outlook,''
reprinted in Digital VLSI Systems, M.I. Elmasry editor, IEEE
Press, New York, N.Y., 1985, pp 47-64.
- 100
- C. H. Séquin: "Berkeley UNIGRAFIX, A Modular Rendering and
Modeling System,'' Proc. of the 2nd USENIX Computer Graphics
Workshop, Monterey CA Dec. 1985, pp 38-53.
- (89)
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Strategies for Managing the
Register File in RISC,'' reprinted in Advanced Microprocessors
and High-Level Language Computer Architecture V. Milutinovic
IEEE Computer Society Press 1986, pp 167-179.
- 101
- M. G. H. Katevenis, C. H. Séquin, D. A. Patterson, and R. W.
Sherburne: "RISC: Effective Architectures for VLSI Computers,''
VLSI Electronics: Microstructure Science Vol. 14, Academic
Press, pp 35-79, 1986.
- 102
- H. Shin and C. H. Séquin: "Two-Dimensional Compaction by Zone
Refining,'' Proc. Design Autom. Conf., Paper 7.3, Las Vegas,
July 1986, pp 115-122.
- 103
- D. E. Wallace and C. H. Séquin: "Plug-in Timing Models for an
Abstract Timing Verifier,'' Proc. 23. Design Autom. Conf., Paper
39.2, Las Vegas, July 1986, pp 683-689.
- 104
- C. H. Séquin: "VLSI Design Strategies,'' Proceedings of the
Summer School on VLSI Tools and Applications, Kluwer Acadmic
Publishers, W. Fichtner and M. Morf editors, July 1986.
- 105
- C. H. Séquin: "Design and Layout Generation at the Symbolic
Level,'' Proceedings of the Summer School on VLSI Tools and
Applications, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, W. Fichtner and M. Morf
editors, July 1986.
- 106
- C. H. Séquin and Yuval Tamir: "Fault Tolerant VLSI
Multicomputers,'' Proceedings of the Summer School on VLSI Tools
and Applications, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, W. Fichtner and M.
Morf editors, July 1986.
- 107
- Y. Tamir and C. H. Séquin: "Strategies for Managing the
Register File in RISC,'' reprinted in Reduced Instruction Set
Computing, William Stallings, editor, IEEE Press, pp 155-167,
- 108
- G. Sandweg and C. H. Séquin: "Entwurfsautomatisierung bei
Höchstintegrierten Schaltungen,'' Informatik, Vol 9, No 4, Aug.
1986, pp 247-252.
- 109
- C. H. Séquin: "Das Spiel - Ursprung der Kreativität,'' Neue
Zürcher Zeitung, Forschung und Technik, Vol 221, Sept 24, 1986,
p 85.
- 110
- C. H. Séquin, A. R. Newton and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
"Highlights of VLSI Research at Berkeley,'' Proc. Fall Joint
Computer Conference, Dallas, Nov. 1986, pp 894-898.
- 111
- C. H. Séquin "Procedural Spline Interpolation in UNICUBIX,''
Proc. of the 3rd USENIX Computer Graphics Workshop, Monterey CA,
Nov. 1986, pp 63-83.
- 112
- C. H. Séquin: "The Berkeley Synthesis Project,'' Proc. of the
1st VLSI Circuits Conference, Karuizawa, Japan, May 22, 1987, pp
- 113
- C. H. Séquin: editor: VLSI'87, Proc. of the 4th International
Conf. on VLSI, Vancouver, Canada, Aug. 1987.
- 114
- H. Shin, A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and C. H. Séquin: "A
Two-Dimensional Layout Compactor Based on Zone Refining,'' Proc.
ICCD'87, Rye Brook, N.Y., pp 201-204, Oct. 1987.
- 115
- H. Y. Koh, C. H. Séquin, and P. R. Gray: "Automatic Synthesis
of Operational Amplifiers Based on Analytic Circuit Models,''
Proc. IEEE ICCAD'87, Santa Clara, pp 502-505, Nov. 1987.
- 116
- L. A. Shirman and C. H. Séquin: "Local Surface Interpolation
with Bezier Patches,'' CAGD 4, pp 279-295, 1987.
- 117
- M. Segal and C. H. Séquin: "Partitioning Polyhedral Objects
into Nonintersecting Parts,'' IEEE CG&A, Vol.8, No.1,
pp53-67, Jan. 1988.
- 118
- C. H. Séquin: `Foreword' for H. Chiyokura: Solid Modelling
System DESIGNBASE - Design and Implementation. Addison-Wesley,
Singapore, Spring 1988.
- 119
- C. H. Séquin: editor: VLSI Design of Digital Systems: Proc.
VLSI'87, Vancouver, North Holland, 1988.
- 120
- D. E. Wallace and C. H. Séquin: "ATV, an Abstract Timing
Verifier,'' Proc. 25. Design Autom. Conf., Anaheim, Paper 12.3,
pp 154-159, June 1988.
- 121
- H. Y. Koh, C. H. Séquin, and P. R. Gray: "OPASYN: An Analog
Silicon Compiler for CMOS Operational Amplifiers,'' Proc.
TECHCON'88, Dallas, October 1988.
- 122
- P.-S. Tzeng, and C. H. Séquin: "Codar: A Congestion-Directed
General Area Router'', Proc. ICCAD'88, Santa Clara, pp 30-33,
Nov. 1988.
- 123
- H. Y. Koh, C. H. Séquin, and P. R. Gray: "Automatic Layout
Generation for CMOS Operational Amplifiers,'' Proc. IEEE
ICCAD'88, Santa Clara, pp 548-551, Nov. 1988.
- 124
- G. D. Adams and C. H. Séquin: "Template Style Considerations
for Sea-of-Gates Layout Generation,'' Proc. 26th Design
Automation Conf., Las Vegas, pp 31-36, June 1989.
- 125
- C. H. Séquin and E. K. Smyrl: "Parameterized Ray Tracing,''
Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 89, Boston, and Computer Graphics, Vol 23, No
3, pp 307-314, July 1989.
- 126
- C. H. Séquin: "Microfabrication on the Macintosh,'' Proc. of
the 5th USENIX Workshop on Computer Graphics, Monterey. CA, Nov.
1989, pp 1-15.
- 127
- H. Y. Koh, C. H. Séquin, and P. R. Gray: "OPASYN: A Compiler
for CMOS Operational Amplifiers,'' IEEE Trans. on CAD, Vol 9, No
2, pp 113-125, (1990).
- 128
- H. Shin, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, and C. H. Séquin:
"Zone-Refining Techniques for IC Layout Compaction,'' IEEE
Trans. on CAD, Vol 9, No 2, pp 167-179, (1990).
- 129
- C. H. Séquin and R. D. Clay: "Fault Tolerance in Artificial
Neural Networks'', Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks San
Diego, CA, pp I:703-708, June 1990.
- (14)
- C. H. Séquin: "Interlacing in Charge-Coupled Imaging
Devices,'' IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-20, 535-541 (1973);
reprinted in IMAGE TUBES, Illes P. Csorba, ed., issued by Int.
Soc. for Optical Eng. (SPIE).
- 130
- L. A. Shirman and C. H. Séquin: "Local Surface Interpolation
with Shape Parameters Between Adjoining Gregory Patches,'' Comp.
Aided Geom. Design, vol 7, no 5, pp.375-388, Aug. 1990.
- 131
- C. H. Séquin: "Could a Machine Think,'' Letters to the editor,
Scientific American, p 12, Sept. 1990.
- 132
- A. R. Newton and C. H. Séquin: "Siemens und die University of
California - Partner bei einer technologischen
Herausforderung,'' Siemens Zeitschrift, pp 4-7, Fall 1990.
- 133
- P.S. Tzeng and C. H. Séquin: "Macro-block Placement Using
Efficient 2-D Compaction,'' Proc. 1991 Conf. Advanced Research
in VLSI, Santa Cruz, pp 178-191, March 1991.
- 134
- T. Amon, G. Borriello, and C. H. Séquin: "Operation/Event
Graphs: A Design Representation for Timing Behavior,'' Proc.
10th Int. Conf. on Computer Hardware Description Languages
(CHDL'91), Marseille, France, April 1991.
- 135
- G. D. Adams and C. H. Séquin: "Exploring Non-Sequential Tool
Interaction Strategies in the Context of Sea-of-gates Datapath
Generation,'' Proc. 3rd Physical Design Workshop, Nemacolin
Woodlands, Pennsylvania, May 1991.
- 136
- P. S. Tzeng and C. H. Séquin: "A Data Structure for Resolving
Overlaps in Macro-Block Placement,'' Proc. 3rd Physical Design
Workshop, Nemacolin Woodlands, Pennsylvania, May 1991.
- 137
- H. P. Moreton and C. H. Séquin: "Surface Design with Minimum
Energy Networks,'' Proc. 1991 ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Solid
Modeling and CAD/CAM Applications, Austin Texas, pp 291-301,
June 6-8, 1991.
- 138
- S. J. Teller and C. H. Séquin: "Constructing Easily Invertible
Bézier Surfaces That Parameterize General Quadrics,'' Proc. 1991
ACM/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Solid Modeling and CAD/CAM
Applications, Austin Texas, pp 303-315, June 6-8, 1991.
- 139
- C. H. Séquin: "Computer Simulation of Anisotropic Crystal
Etching,'' Proc. TRANSDUCERS'91, San Francisco, pp 801-806, June
- 139b
- C. H. Séquin: "Computer Simulation of Anisotropic Crystal
Etching,'' Sensors and Actuators A, 34 (1992) 225-241.
- 140
- C. Chinrungrueng and C. H. Séquin: "Optimal Adaptive K-Means
Algorithm with Dynamic Adjustment of Learning Rate,'' Proc. Int.
Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Seattle, July 1991, pp
- 141
- S. J. Teller and C. H. Séquin: "Visibility Preprocessing For
Interactive Walkthroughs,'' Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 91, Las Vegas,
Aug. 1991, and Computer Graphics, Vol 25, No 4, pp 61-69,
- 142
- C. H. Séquin and R. D. Clay: "Fault Tolerance in Artificial
Neural Networks'' in "Neural Networks, Concepts, Applications
and Implementations," Vol. 4 Antognetti and Milutinovic, eds.,
Prentice Hall, 1991, pp 111-141.
- 143
- Chedsada Chinrungrueng and C. H. Séquin: "K-Means Competitive
Learnign for Non-Stationary Environments,'' Proc. Int. Joint
Conf. on Neural Networks, Singapore, Nov. 1991, pp 2703-2708.
- 144
- L. A. Shirman and C.H. Séquin: "Procedural Construction of
Patch-Boundary Curves,'' in "Curves and Surfaces,'' L.L.
Schumaker, eds., Academic Press, 1991, pp 445-449.
- 145
- H. P. Moreton and C.H. Séquin: "The MVC Curve: A Fair Curve
for Geometric Design,'' extended abstract, SIAM Conference on
Geometric Design, Tempe Arizona, Nov. 1991.
- 146
- H. P. Moreton and C.H. Séquin: "A G1 Bi-Quintic Interpolant
for G2 Minimum Energy Networks,'' extended abstract, SIAM
Conference on Geometric Design, Tempe Arizona, Nov. 1991.
- 147
- T. A. Funkhouser, C.H. Séquin, and S. J. Teller: "Managements
of Large Amounts of Data in Interactive Building Walkthroughs,''
Proc. Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Cambridge, MA, March
1992, and Computer Graphics, Spec. Issue, pp 11-20, (1992).
- 148
- L. A. Shirman and C.H. Séquin: "Curve Interpolation with
Geometrically Continuous Splines,'' Computer Aided Design, Vol
24, No 5, May 1992, pp 267-277.
- 149
- L. A. Shirman and C.H. Séquin: "Curve Interpolation with
Curvature Continuous Splines,'' Computer Aided Design, Vol 24,
No 5, May 1992, pp 278-286.
- 150
- R. D. Clay and C.H. Séquin: "Fault Tolerance Training Improves
Generalization and Robustness,'' Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on
Neural Networks, Baltimore, MD., June 1992, pp I-769-774.
- 151
- J. J. Helmsen, E. W. Scheckler, A. R. Neureuther, C.H. Séquin:
"An Efficient Loop Detection and Removal Algorithm for 3D
Surface-Based Lithography Simulation,'' Proceedings of NUPAD IV
Workshop, June 1992, Seattle.
- 152
- H. P. Moreton and C.H. Séquin: "Functional Optimization for
Fair Surface Design,'' Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'92, Chicago, July
1992, and Computer Graphics, Vol 26, No 2, pp 167-176, (1992).
- 153
- C. H. Séquin: "Corner-Stitched Tiles with Curved Boundaries,''
IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol. 12, pp 47-58, Jan. 1993.
- 154
- C. H. Séquin: "Computer Simulation of Anisotropic Crystal
Etching,'' Sensors and Actuators A, 34 (1992) pp 225-241, 1992.
- 155
- C. Chinrungrueng and C.H. Séquin: "Adaptive K-Means Algorithm
with Error-Weighted Deviation Measure,'' Proc. IJCNN'93, San
Francisco, pp 626-631, March 1993.
- 156
- T. A. Funkhouser and C.H. Séquin: "Adaptive Display Algorithm
for Interactive Frame Rates During Visualization of Complex
Virtual Environments,'' Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'92, Annaheim, Aug.
1993, and Computer Graphics, Vol 27, No 2, pp 247-254 , (1993).
- 157
- H. P. Moreton and C.H. Séquin: "Functional Optimization for
Fair Surface Design,'' Eurographics, Barcelona, Sept 1993.
- 158
- C. H. Séquin, T. A. Funkhouser, and S. J. Teller: "Interactive
Exploration of Building Models,'' MICRO Project Reports, Univ.
of CA, pp 126-129, Sept. 1993.
- 159
- C. Chinrungrueng and C.H. Séquin: "Optimal Adaptive K-Means
Algorithm with Dynamic Adjustment of Learning Rate,'' IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks, pp157-169, Jan. 1995.
- (91)
- R. W. Sherburne, M. G. H. Katevenis, D. A. Patterson, and C.
H. Séquin: "A 32b NMOS Microprocessor with a Large Register
File,'' reprinted in: ISSCC 40th Anniversary Supplement.
- 160
- H. P. Moreton and C. H. Séquin: "Minimum Variation Curves and
Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design,'' Chapter 6 in
Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces: Shape Quality in Geometric
Modeling and Computer-Aided Design, edited by N. S. Sapidis,
SIAM, Geometric Design book series edited by Gerald Farin, pp
123-159, Oct. 1994.
- 161
- R. Bukowski and C. H. Séquin: "Object Associations: A Simple
and Practical Approach to Virtual 3D Manipulation,'' 1995
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey, pp 131-138,
April 10, 1995.
- 162
- C. H. Séquin and S. McMains: ``What can SFF CAD Learn for the
VLSI CAD Revolution ?'' Proc. NSF Workshop on Design
Methodologies for Solid Freeform Fabrication, Section 4.5, pp
1-11; CMU, Pittsburgh, PA, June 5-6, 1995
- 163
- C. H. Séquin, P. Y. Chang, and H. P. Moreton: "Scale-Invariant
Functionals for Smooth Curves and Surfaces,'' Proc. 1993
Dagstuhl Seminar on Geometric Modelling, Hans Hagen, ed.,
Computing Supplement 10, Springer, pp 303-321, July 1995.
- 164
- C. H. Séquin and R. Bukowski: "Interactive Virtual Building
Environments,'' Proc. Pacific Graphics `95 Conference, Seoul,
Korea, Aug. 95, pp 159-179.
- 165
- S. R. Burgett, R. T.Bush, S. S. Sastry, C. H. Séquin: "Shape
Synthesis from Sparse, Feature-Based Input,'' Proc. ASME Winter
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 1995.
- 166
- Y. E. Kalay, and C. H. Séquin: "Designer-Client Relationships
in Architectural and Software Design,'' Proceedings of
ACADIA'95, Seattle WA (L. Kalisperis & B. Kolarevic, eds.),
pp 383-403, (Oct. 1995).
- 167
- T. A. Funkhouser, S. J. Teller, C. H. Séquin, and D.
Khorramabadi: "UCB System for Interactive Visualization of Large
Architectural Models,'' Presence: Special Issue on
"Teleoperators & Virtual Environments," MIT Press, Vol.5,
No.1, Winter 1995, pp 13-44.
- 168
- C. H. Séquin: "Art, Math, and Computers: New Ways of Creating
Pleasing Shapes,'' Educators' Tech Exchange, Vol 3, No 2, Jan.
- 169
- C. H. Séquin, H. Meshkin, and L. Downs: "Interactive
Generation of Scherk-Collins Sculptures,'' Proc. Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics, Providence RI, April 1997, pp 163-166.
- 169
- C. H. Séquin: "Virtual Prototyping of Scherk-Collins Saddle
Rings,'' Leonardo, Vol 30, No 2, pp 89-96, 1997.
- 170
- C. H. Séquin: "Prototype CAD Tool Suite for the Early Phases
of Architectural Design," Proc. TeamCAD: GVU/NIST Workshop on
Collaborative Design, Atlanta, May 13, 1997, pp 61-86.
- 171
- M. R. Mine, F. P. Brooks, and C. H. Séquin: "Moving Objects in
Space: Exploiting Proprioception In Virtual-Environment
Interaction,'' Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'97, Los Angeles, Aug. 1997.
- 172
- R. Bukowski and C. H. Séquin: "Interactive Simulation of Fire
in Virtual Building Environments,'' Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH'97, Los
Angeles, Aug. 1997.
- 173
- P. Wright, C. H. Séquin: "CyberCut: A Networked Manufacturing
Service," Int. Conf. on `Managing Enterprise Stakeholders,
Engineering, Logistics and Achievement' UK, July 22, 1997.
- 174
- R.W. Bukowski and C. H. Séquin: "The FireWalk System: Fire
Modeling in Interactive Virtual Environments," Proc. of the 2nd
International Conference on Fire Research and Engineering,
Gaithersburg, MD, pp 72-83, Aug. 1997.
- 175
- S. McMains, C. H. Séquin, J. Smith: "Dealing with Data
Imprecision, Design Tolerances, and Manufacturing Limitations in
SIF," NIST Workshop, Gaitherburg, MD, Nov. 1997.
- 176
- S. McMains, C. H. Séquin, J. Smith: "SIF: A Solids Interchange
Format for Rapid Prototyping," CIRP May 26-28, 1998.
- 177
- M. Simmons and C. H. Séquin, "2D Shape Decomposition and the
Automatic Generation of Hierarchical Representations," Int.
Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol 4. No 1 & 2, pp 63-78, 1998.
- 178
- C. H. Séquin: "Art, Math, and Computers: New Ways of Creating
Pleasing Shapes," BRIDGES - Mathematical Connections in Art,
Music, and Science; Conf. Proc., pp 1-10, Winfield KS, July
- 179
- C. H. Séquin and Y. Kalay: "A suite of prototype CAD tools to
support early phases of architectural design," Automation in
Construction, vol 7, pp 449-464, 1998.
- 180
- R. Lewis and C. H. Séquin: "Generation of Three-Dimensional
Building Models from Two-Dimensional Architectural Plans,"
Computer-Aided Design, vol 30, no 10, pp 765-779, 1998.
- 181
- R.H. Crawford, J.J. Beaman, C. Cavello, J.D. Jackson, L.E.
Weiss, and C. H. Séquin: "Solid Free-form Fabrication, a New
Manufacturing Paradigm," IEEE Spectrum, Vol 36, No 2, pp 34-43,
Feb. 1999.
- 182
- S. McMains, C. H. Séquin, J. Smith: "SIF: A Solids Interchange
Format for Rapid Prototyping," Technical Paper PE99-117, Society
of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI, 1999.
- 183
- C. H. Séquin: "Computer-Augmented Inspiration," Proc. of ISAMA
99, 1st Int. Conf. of Intnl. Soc of The Art, Mathematics,
Architecture, pp 419-428, San Sebastian, Spain, June 1999.
- 184
- S. McMains and C. H. Séquin: "A Coherent Sweep Plane Slicer
for Layered Manufacturing," Proc. of 5th Symp. on Solid Modeling
and Applications, pp 285-295, Ann Arbor MI, June 1999.
- 185
- R. Bush and C. H. Séquin: "Synthesis of Bent Sheet Metal Parts
from Design Features," Proc. of 5th Symp. on Solid Modeling and
Applications, pp 119-129, Ann Arbor MI, June 1999.
- 186
- C. H. Séquin and J. Smith: "Parameterized Procedural Synthesis
of Artistic Geometry," Int. Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol 5, No
1, pp 81-100, 1999.
- 187
- C. H. Séquin: "Analogies from 2D to 3D, Exercises in
Disciplined Creativity," BRIDGES - Mathematical Connections in
Art, Music, and Science; Conf. Proc., Winfield KS, July 1999.
- 188
- G. Sun, F. Wang, P. Wright, and C. H. Séquin: "Operation
Decomposition for Freeform Surface Features in Process
Planning," Proc. of ASME Conf., Las Vegas 1999.
- 189
- J. Kim, F. Wang, C. H. Séquin, and P. Wright: "Design for
Machining over the Internet," Proc. of ASME Conf., Las Vegas
- 190
- M. Simmons and C. H. Séquin, "Tapestry: A Dynamic Mesh-based
Display Representation for Interactive Rendering," Eurographics
Workshop on Rendering, Brno, Czech Republic, June 28, 2000.
- 191
- S. McMains and C. H. Séquin, "Efficient Out-of-Core Build of a
Topological Data Structure" SIGGRAPH 2000, Conference Abstracts,
New Orleans LA, July 2000, p 199.
- 192
- T. Moeller and C. H. Séquin, "Heuristic Backface Culling of
Animated Subdivision Surfaces" SIGGRAPH 2000, Conference
Abstracts, New Orleans LA, July 2000, p 212.
- 193
- C. H. Séquin, " - To Build a Twisted Bridge - " BRIDGES -
Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science, Conf.
Proc., Winfield KS, July 2000, pp 23-34.
- 194
- C. H. Séquin, "Turning Mathematical Models into Sculptures"
MOSAIC 2000 (Millennial Open Symposium on the Arts and
Interdisciplinary Computing), Conf. Proc., University of
Washington, Seattle, August 22, 2000, pp 71-82.
- (193)
- C. H. Séquin, " - To Build a Twisted Bridge - " VISUAL
MATHEMATICS -- ON-LINE, "BRIDGES 2000" in "VisMath" Volume 2,
No. 3, 2000.
- 195
- S. McMains, J. Smith, J. Wang, and C. H. Séquin, "Layered
Manufacturing of Thin-walled Parts" Proc. of DETC00, 2000 ASME
Des, Eng. Tech. Conf., Sep. 10-13, Baltimore MD. AWARD: Best
Conference Paper.
- 196
- S. Ahn, V. Sundararajan, C. Smith, B. Kannan, R. D'Souza, G.
Sun, A. Mohole, P. Wright, J. Kim, S. McMains, J. Smith, and
C.H. Séquin, "CyberCut: An Internet-based CAD/CAM system," ASME
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,
Volume 1, March 2001, pp. 52-58.
- 197
- J. Yen and C. H. Séquin, "Escher Sphere Construction Kit"
Interactive 3D Graphics Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC,
March 19-21, 2001, pp 95-98.
- 198
- L. Downs, T. Moeller, and C. H. Séquin, "Occlusion Horizons
for Driving through Urban Scenes" Interactive 3D Graphics
Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 19-21, 2001, pp
- 199
- C. H. Séquin, "CAD and the Arts" Foreword for Special Issue of
CAD, Vol 33, No 5, April 17, 2001.
- 200
- S. McMains, J. Hellerstein, and C. H. Séquin, "Out-of-Core
Build of a Topological Data Structure from Polygon Soup" Proc.
Solid Modeling Conference, June 2001.
- 201
- C. H. Séquin, "Viae Globi - Pathways on a Sphere," Proc.
Mathematics and Design Conference, Geelong, Australia, July 3-5,
2001, pp 366-374.
- 202
- C. H. Séquin, "Symmetries on the Sphere," Proc. ISIS Symmetry
Congress: Art and Science, Sydney, Australia, July 9-13, 2001,
pp 170-173.
- 203
- C. H. Séquin, "Fountain of Creation - Design vs. Meta-Design"
BRIDGES - Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science,
Conf. Proc., Winfield KS, July 2001, pp 95-102.
- 204
- G. Sun, C. H. Séquin, and P. K. Wright, "Operation
Decomposition for Freeform Surface Features in Process
Planning," CAD, Vol.33, No.9, pp 621-636, (Aug. 2001).
- 205
- M. Simmons, S. McMains,and C. H. Séquin, "Efficient Update of
Geometric Constraints in the Tapestry Evolving Mesh
Representation," Sketches and Applications, p.175, Siggraph'01,
Los Angeles, Aug. 14, 2001.
- 206
- C. H. Séquin and J. A. Yen, "Fair and Robust Curve
Interpolation on the Sphere," Sketches and Applications, p.182,
Siggraph'01, Los Angeles, Aug. 15, 2001.
- 207
- R. Bukowski, L. Downs, M. Simmons, C. H. Sequin, and S.
Teller, "Citywalk: A Second Generation Walkthrough System,"
Proc. VSMM_2001, Berkeley, Oct. 26, 2001, pp 370-382.
- 208
- C. H. Sequin, "Sculpture Design," Proc. VSMM_2001, Berkeley,
Oct. 27, 2001, pp 832-843.
- 209
- J. P. Smith and C. H. Séquin, "Robust Voronoi Diagrams of
Polygonal Contours," (abstract only) SIAM Conference on
Geometric Design and Computing, Sacramento, Nov. 5, 2001.
- 210
- C. H. Séquin and J. A. Yen, "Circle Splines on the Sphere and
in 3-Space," (abstract only) SIAM Conference on Geometric Design
and Computing, Sacramento, Nov. 6, 2001.
- 211
- S. McMains, C. H. Séquin, and J. P. Smith, "Computational
Issues in Layered Manufacturing," (abstract only) SIAM
Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, Sacramento, Nov.
8, 2001.
- 212
- R. D’Souza, P.K. Wright, and C.H. Séquin, "Automated
Microplanning for 2.5-D Pocket Machining," Journal of
Manufacturing Systems, 20 (4), pp 288-296, (2001).
- 213
- M. G. Montero, P. K. Wright, and C. H. Séquin, "Managing
Complexity in the Design of Electromechanical Products," 2002
NSF Design, Service and Mfg. Grantees and Research Conference,
Jan. 2002.
- 214
- P.K. Wright, D.A. Dornfeld, M.G. Montero and C. H. Séquin,
"Management and Analysis of Design Constraints for
Electronic-Mechanical Product Manufacturing," Transactions of
the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, Paper No
MS02-185, May 2002.
- 215
- C. H. Chu and C. H. Séquin, "Developable Bezier Patches:
Properties and Design," CAD, Special Issue dedicated to Bezier,
Vol.34, No 7, pp 511-528, (June 2002).
- 216
- A.S. Mohole, P.K. Wright, and C.H. Séquin, "WebCAD: A CAD tool
constrained with explicit 'Design for Manufacturability' Rules
for CNC Milling," Journal of Engineering Manufacture, pp
879-889, (2002).
- 217
- C. H. Séquin, "3D Visualization Models of the Regular
Polytopes in Four and Higher Dimensions," BRIDGES Conf. Proc.,
Baltimore, pp 37-48, Jul.27-29, 2002.
- 218
- S. H. Ahn, S. McMains, C.H. Séquin, and P.K. Wright,
"Mechanical Implementation Services for Rapid Prototyping,"
Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Proc. Inst. Mechanical
Engineers Part B - Short Communications in Manufacture and
Design, Vol 216, pp 1193-1199, Aug.9, 2002.
- 115
- H. Y. Koh, C. H. Séquin, and P. R. Gray: "Automatic Synthesis
of Operational Amplifiers Based on Analytic Circuit Models," The
Best of Iccad: 20 Years of Excellence in Computer-Aided Design,
ed. Andreas Kuehlmann, Springer, pp 313-324, Fall 2002.
- 219
- S. McMains, J. Smith, C. H. Séquin, "The Evolution of a
Layered Manufacturing Interchange Format," 22nd Int'nl.
Computers in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Sept.29-Oct.2,
2002. DETC2002/DAC-34136.
- 220
- R. D'Souza, P. K. Wright, and C. H. Séquin, "Handling Tool
Holder Collision in Optimal Tool Sequence Selection for 2.5-D
Pocket Machining," 22nd Int'nl. Computers in Engineering
Conference, Montreal, Sept.29-Oct.2, 2002.
- 221
- R. D'Souza, P. K. Wright, and C. H. Séquin, "Handling Tool
Holder Collision in Optimal Tool Sequence Selection for 2.5-D
Pocket Machining," Journal of Computing and Information Science
in Engineering, Vol 2, No 4, pp 345-349, Dec. 2002.
- 222
- C. H. Séquin, "Symmetrical Projections of the High-Dimensional
Regular Polytopes," in Special Issue of Symmetry 'Polyhedra in
Culture and Science,' Sándor Kabai, editor, Vol 11, No 1-4, pp
65-84, (2000), (printed March 2003).
- 223
- C. H. Séquin, "The Euler-Poincare Theorem," in 'The Changing
Shape of Geometry,' edited by Chris Pritchard, Cambridge
University Press, 2003, pp 339-342.
- 224
- C. H. Séquin, "Whirled White Web: Art and Math in Snow"
Meeting Alhambra, ISAMA/BRIDGES Conf. Proc., Granada, pp
383-392, Jul.23-25, 2003.
- 225
- C. H. Séquin, "Volution's Evolution" Meeting Alhambra,
ISAMA/BRIDGES Conf. Proc., Granada, pp13-24, Jul.23-25, 2003.
- 226
- C. H. Séquin, "Fair and Robust Circle Splines," Sketches and
Applications, SIGGRAPH'03, San Diego, Jul. 30, 2003.
- 227
- C. S. Smith, P. K. Wright, and C. H. Séquin, "The
Manufacturing Advisory Service: Web-based Process and Material
Selection," Int. Jour. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2003,
Vol 16, No 6, pp 373-381.
- 228
- S. McMains, J. Smith, and C. H. Séquin, "Thin-Wall
Calculations for Layered Manufacturing", Jour. of Computing and
Information Science in Engineering, Sept. 2003, Vol 3, No 3, pp
- 229
- R. D'Souza, C. H. Séquin, and P. K. Wright, "Setup Level Tool
Sequence Selection for 2.5-D Pocket Machining," Proc. CIE'03,
2003 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering, Chicago IL,
Sept.2-6, 2003.
- 230
- C. H. Séquin, "CAD Tools for Aesthetic Engineering," CAD and
Applications, Vol 1, pp 301-309, May 2004.
- 231
- R. D'Souza, C. H. Séquin, and P. K. Wright, "Automated Tool
Sequence Selection for 3-axis Machining of Free-form Pockets,"
JCAD 36, pp 595-605, June 2004.
- 232
- C. H. Séquin and L.Xiao, "K12 and the Genus-6 Tiffany Lamp,"
Proc. ISAMA CTI 2004, pp 49-52, Chicago, June. 17-19, 2004.
- 233
- C. H. Séquin, "Hamiltonian Cycles on Symmetrical Graphs,"
BRIDGES Conf. Proc., Winfield KS, pp 211-222, Jul.30 - Aug.1,
- 234
- A. Kozlowski1, D. Schwalbe, C. H. Séquin, J. M. Sullivan, S.
Wagon, "Turning a Snowball Inside Out: Mathematical
Visualization at the 12-foot Scale," BRIDGES Conf. Proc.,
Winfield KS, pp 27-36, Jul.30 - Aug.1, 2004.
- 235
- C. H. Séquin and L. Xiao, "Fair LVC Curves on Subdivision
Surfaces" SIGGRAPH'04, Sketches and Applications, Los Angeles,
Aug. 8-12, 2004.
- 236
- P. Joshi, C. H. Séquin and R. Takahashi, "Functionally
Optimized Subdivision Surfaces" SIGGRAPH'04, Sketches and
Applications, Los Angeles, Aug. 8-12, 2004.
- 237
- C. Bruyns, R. Taylor, and C. H. Séquin, "Virtual Instrument
Design and Animation" SIGGRAPH'04, Sketches and Applications,
Los Angeles, Aug. 8-12, 2004.
- 238
- C. H. Séquin, "Volution's Evolution," electronic art and
animation catalog, p.79, SIGGRAPH'04, Los Angeles, Aug. 8-12,
- 239
- C. H. Séquin, "Congruent Hamiltonian Cycles on the Edges of
the 24-Cell," Special Issue of Symmetry, Vol 13, No 1-2 (2002!),
pp 117-120: "Polyhedra 2 - Part 1", Sándor Kabai, editor,
(printed Nov. 2004).
- 240
- C. H. Séquin, K. Lee and J. Yen, "Fair G2 and C2-Continuous
Circle Splines for the Interpolation of Sparse Data Points,"
JCAD Vol 37, No 2, pp 201-211, Feb. 2005.
- 241
- Y. Zhang, R. Kamalian, A. M. Agogino, and C. H. Séquin,
"Hierarchical MEMS Synthesis and Optimization," SPIE Conference
on Smart Structures and Materials, Conf. 5763, March 7, 2005,
San Diego CA.
- 242
- C. H. Séquin, "Parameterized Sculpture Families," in "The
Visual Mind 2", special issue of Leonardo, Michele Emmer editor
(April, 2005).
- 243
- C. H. Séquin, "Rapid Prototyping: A 3D Visualization Tool
Takes on Sculpture and Mathematical Forms," Comm. of the ACM,
Vol 48, No 6, pp 66-73, June 2005.
- 244
- C. H. Séquin, "CAD Tools for Aesthetic Engineering," JCAD Vol
37, No 7, pp 737-750, June 2005.
- 245
- C. H. Séquin, "Tangled Knots," Proceedings of "Art+Math=X"
Intnl. Conf., Boulder CO, June 2-5, 2005, pp 161-165.
- 246
- C. H. Séquin, "Splitting Tori, Knots, and Moebius Bands"
BRIDGES Conference, Banff, Canada, Jul.31-Aug.3, 2005, pp
- 247
- C. H. Séquin, "Symmetrical Hamiltonian Manifolds on Regular 3D
and 4d Polytopes" Coxeter Day, Banff, Canada, Aug.3, 2005, pp
- 248
- C. H. Séquin, "Interactive Procedural Computer-Aided Design"
CAD/Graphics Conference, HKUST, Hong Kong, Dec. 7-10, 2005, pp
- 249
- B. Collins and C. H. Séquin, "Brent Collins, Carlo Séquin, and
Sculpture Generator I," Gathering for Gardner G4G7, Atlanta GA,
March 2006, Proc. (issued 2007), 4 pages.
- 250
- Y. Zhang, R. Kamalian, A.M. Agogino, and C.H. Séquin, "Design
Synthesis of Microelectromechanical Systems Using Genetic
Algorithms with Component-Based Genotype Representation,"
Proceedings of the GECCO 2006 (Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference), Seattle, July 8-12, 2006. ISBN
1-59593-187-2, Vol. 1, pp. 731-738.
- 251
- C. H. Séquin, "Hilbert Cube 512," Artist's Sketch,
SIGGRAPH'06, Boston, July 30 - Aug. 3, 2006.
- 252
- C. H. Séquin, "Patterns on the Genus-3 Klein Quartic," Proc.
BRIDGES Conf. Proc., pp 245-254, London, Aug. 4-9, 2006.
- 253
- A. Do, P. Wright, and C. H. Séquin, "Latest-Generation SLA
Resins Enable Direct Tooling for Injection Molding," Third
quarter 2006 online issue of PLASTICS INSIGHTS, and SME tech
paper series.
- 254
- C. H. Séquin, "(the sculptures of) CARLO SEQUIN," in
"esculturas matemáticas," Exhibit of Mathematical Sculptures,
catalog pp 74-87, Universidad Politechnica, Valencia, Spain,
November 24, 2006.
- 255
- N. A. Friedman and C. H. Séquin, "Keizo Ushio's sculptures,
split tori and Moebius bands," Journal of Mathematics and the
Arts, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 47-57, March 2007.
- 256
- B. Collins, S. Reinmuth, and C. H. Séquin, "Design and
Implementation of Pax Mundi II," ISAMA Proc. pp11-20, Texas
A&M, May 17-21, 2007.
- 257
- C. H. Séquin and Jaron Lanier, "Hyper-Seeing the Regular
Hendeca-choron," ISAMA Proc. pp159-166, Texas A&M, May
17-21, 2007.
- 258
- C. H. Séquin, "Designing Sculptures with 'Sculpture Generator
I'," workshop abstract, ISAMA Proc. pp215-216, Texas A&M,
May 17-21, 2007.
- 259
- P. Joshi and C. H. Séquin, "Energy Minimizers for
Curvature-Based Surface Functionals," CAD Conf. Proc. pp
607-617, Waikiki, Hawaii, June 25-29, 2007.
- 260
- C. H. Séquin, "Computer-Aided Design and Realization of
Geometrical Sculptures," CAD Conf. Proc. pp 671-681, Waikiki,
Hawaii, June 25-29, 2007.
- 261
- C. H. Séquin, "Symmetric Embedding of Locally Regular
Hyperbolic Tilings," Bridges Conference, San Sebastian, Spain,
July 24-27, 2007.
- 262
- C. H. Séquin and J. F. Hamlin, "The Regular 4-Dimensional
57-Cell," SIGGRAPH'07, Sketches and Applications, San Diego,
Aug. 4-9, 2007.
- 263
- C. H. Séquin, "Tangled Knots," Knotting Math and Art, USF,
Tampa, Nov. 1-4, 2007.
- 264
- C. H. Séquin, "Eightfold Way," Gathering for Gardner G4G8, 8
pages, Atlanta GA, March 27-30, 2008.
- 265
- C. H. Séquin, "Intricate Isohedral Tilings of 3D Euclidean
Space," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 139-148, Leeuwarden, The
Netherlands, July 24-28, 2008,.
- 266
- C. H. Séquin, "Algorithmically Acquired Architectural and
Artistic Artifacts," Advances in Architectural Geometry, Conf.
Proc. Vienna, Austria, September 13-16, 2008, pp 9-12.
- 267
- R. Levien and C. H. Séquin, "Interpolating Splines: Which is
the fairest of them all?" Computer-Aided Design and
Applications, Vol 6, No 1, pp 91-102, 2009.
- 268
- P. Joshi and C. H. Séquin, "Visualizing High-Order Surface
Geometry," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol 6, No 2,
pp 263-268, 2009.
- 269
- M. Howison and C. H. Séquin, "CAD Tools for the Construction
of 3D Escher Tiles," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol
6, No 6, pp 737-748 , 2009.
- 270
- J. Hamlin and C. H. Séquin, "Ribbed Surfaces for Art,
Architecture, and Visualization," Computer-Aided Design and
Applications, Vol 6, No 6, pp 749-758, 2009.
- 271
- C. H. Séquin, "Tubular Sculptures," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp
87-96, Banff, Canada, July 25-30, 2009.
- 272
- P. Joshi and C. H. Séquin, "An intuitive explanation of
third-order surface behavior," Computer-Aided Geometric Design,
Volume 27, Issue 2, pp 150-161, Feb. 2010.
- 273
- C. H. Séquin, "The Beauty of Knots," Gathering for Gardner
G4G9, 8 pages, Atlanta GA, March 24-28, 2010.
- 274
- C. H. Séquin, "My Search for Symmetrical Embeddings of Regular
Maps," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 85-94, Pécs, Hungary, July 24-28,
- 275
- J. Hamlin and C. H. Séquin, "Computer Generation of Ribbed
Sculptures," Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, Volume 4, Dec.
- 276
- J. Bisceglio, T. J. Peters, J. A. Roulier, and C. H. Séquin,
"Unknots With Highly Knotted Control Polygons," Computer-Aided
Geometric Design, Volume 28, Issue 3, pp 212-214, March 2011.
- 277
- J. Andrews, P. Joshi and C. H. Séquin, "Interactive Extraction
and Re-Design of Sweep Geometries," Computer Graphics
International, Ottawa, June 2011, Paper 280, pp 1-4.
- 278
- C. H. Séquin, "Tori Story," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 121-130,
Coimbra, Portugal, July 27-31, 2011.
- 279
- C. H. Séquin, "Taking the 'Virtual' out of Virtual Reality,"
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Orange County, CA, March 4-8,
- 280
- C. H. Séquin, "Interactive 3D Rapid-Prototyping Models,"
Poster at I3D, Orange County, CA, March 10, 2012.
- 281
- C. H. Séquin, "A 10-Dimensional Jewel," Gathering for Gardner
G4GX, 8 pages, Atlanta GA, March 28-April 1, 2012.
- 282
- C. H. Séquin, "Prototyping Dissection Puzzles with Layered
Manufacturing," Fabrication and Sculpture Track, Shape Modeling
International Conference, Texas A&M, May 23, 2012.
- 283
- B. Collins, D. Lynn, S. Reinmuth, and C. H. Séquin,
"Realization of Two New Large-Scale Sculptures," Fabrication and
Sculpture Track, Shape Modeling International Conference, Texas
A&M, May 25, 2012.
- 284
- J. Andrews, H. Jin, and C. H. Séquin, "Interactive Inverse 3D
Modeling," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol 9. 2012.
-- Best Student Paper!
- 285
- P. Hilton, J. Pederson, and C. H. Séquin, "Star Theorem
Patterns Relating to 2n-gons in Pascal's Triangle," Southeast
Asian Bulletin of Mathematics Vol.36, (2012), pp 209-232.
- 286
- C. H. Séquin, "From Moebius Bands to Klein-Knottles," Bridges
Conf. Proc., pp 93-102, Towson, MD, July 25-29, 2012.
- 287
- C. H. Séquin, "Topological Tori as Abstract Art," Journal of
Mathematics and the Arts, Vol 6, No 4, Dec. 2012, pp 191-209.
- 288
- C. H. Séquin, "Witnessing the Birth of VLSI," IEEE Solid-State
Circuits Magazine; commentary accompanying Lynn Conway's "VLSI
Reminiscences", pp 36-39, Dec. 2012.
- 289
- C. H. Séquin, "Making Graphics Tangible," JCAG, Vol 37, pp
148-164, March 2013.
- 290
- J. Andrews and C. H. Séquin, "Generalized, Basis-Independent
Kinematic Surface Fitting," JCAD, Vol.45, No 3, pp 615-620, Mar.
- 291
- J. Andrews and C. H. Séquin, "Type-Constrained Direct Fitting
of Quadric Surfaces," CAD&Applications, Bergamo, Italy, June
- 292
- C. H. Séquin, "On the number of Klein bottle types," Journal
of Mathematics and the Arts, Vol 7, No 2, pp ?-?. June 2013.
- 293
- C. H. Séquin, "Cross-Caps -- Boy Caps -- Boy Cups", Bridges
Conf. Proc., pp ?-?, Enschede, the Netherlands, July 26-31,
- 294
- S. Goodman, A. Mellnik, C. H. Séquin, "Girl's Surface",
Bridges Conf. Proc., pp ?-?, Enschede, the Netherlands, July
26-31, 2013.
- 295
- C. H. Séquin, "Symmetrical Immersions of Low-genus
Non-orientable Regular Maps," Symmetry Festival, Delft, the
Netherlands, August 2-7, 2013, (16 pages).
- 296
- C. H. Séquin, "Art, Math, Science, and Computers," Seoul
Intelligencer (Springer), Spring 2014.
- 297
- M. Galemmo and C. H. Séquin, "Tria Tubes," Bridges Conference,
Seoul, Korea, August 14-19, 2014.
- 298
- C. H. Séquin and M. Galemmo, "LEGO® Knots," Bridges
Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 14-19, 2014.
- 292+
- C. H. Séquin, "On the number of Klein bottle types," reprinted
in "The Best Writing on Mathematics 2014", edited by Mircea
Pitici, Princeton University Press, 2014.
- 299
- C. H. Séquin, "Tetra-Tangle of Four Bow-Tie Links,"
Hyperseeing, Winter 2014.
- 300
- C. H. Séquin, "Knotted Twistors -- Twistor Knots,"
Hyperseeing, Winter 2014.
- 301
- C. H. Séquin, "Reconfigurable Snap-Together Sculpting,"
Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2015.
- 302
- C. H. Séquin, "Introducing the Möbius-Twisted Turk’s Head
Knot," Bridges Conference, Baltimore, July 29-August 2, 2015.
- 303
- C. H. Séquin, "Large, Symmetric, '7-Around' Hyperbolic Disks,"
Bridges Conference, Baltimore, July 29-August 2, 2015.
- 304
- C. H. Séquin, "2-Manifold Sculptures," Bridges Conference,
Baltimore, July 29-August 2, 2015.
- 305
- C. H. Séquin and R. Shiau, "Rendering Pacioli's
Rhombicuboctahedron," Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, Vol
?, No ?, pp ?-?. July 2015.
- 306
- C. H. Séquin, "Parametric Co-Design of Modular Free-Form
2-Manifolds," CAD-Conference Abstract (5 pages), June 27-29,
- 307
- C. H. Séquin, "From Klein Bottles to Modular Super-Bottles,"
Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 41-48, Jyväskylä, August 9-13, 2016.
- 308
- W. van Ballegooijen and C. H. Séquin, "Interlinking Polyhedral
Wire-Frames," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 87-96, Jyväskylä, August
9-13, 2016.
- 309
- C. H. Séquin, "Parametric Co-Design of Modular Free-Form
2-Manifolds," CAD&Applications (12 pages), Sep. 2016.
- 310
- C. H. Séquin, "Report on Bridges 2016 -- In Memory of Our
Founder, Reza Sarjhangi (1952-2016)," Notices of the AMS,
Vol 64, No 2, pp 152-155, Feb. 2017. AMS_PDF;
extended PDF
- 311
- C. H. Séquin, Report on "Reverberating Echoes: Contemporary
Art Inspired by Traditional Islamic Art" at the Graduate
Theological Union, Berkeley, CA, Jan. 31–May 26, 2017; Journal
of Mathematics and the Arts, Vol 2, Issue 2, pp 114-127, 2017. my
- 312
- C. H. Séquin, "Homage to Eva Hild," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp
117-124, Waterloo, Canada, July 27-31, 2017. my
- 313
- C. H. Séquin and R. Shiau, "Rendering Pacioli's
Rhombicuboctahedron," reprinted in "The Best Writing on
Mathematics 2017", edited by Mircea Pitici, Princeton University
Press, 2017, pp 106-120. my
- 314
- C. H. Séquin , "Möbius Bridges," Journal of Mathematics
and the Arts, Vol 0, No 0, pp.1-14. January 2018. my
- 315
- Y. Amir and C. H. Séquin, "Modular Toroids Constructed from
Nonahedra," Bridges Conf. Proc., pp 131-138, Stockholm, Sweden,
July 25-29, 2018.
- 316
- C. H. Séquin, "Homage to Charles O. Perry," Bridges Conf.
Proc., pp 123-130, Stockholm, Sweden, July 25-29, 2018.
- 317
- C. H. Séquin, "Turning Hild's Sculptures into Single-Sided
Surfaces." In a special issue of Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390) on
"Topological Modeling" Vol.7, Iss.2, Jan. 2019. my
- 318
- C. H. Séquin and Toby Chen, "Combining
Procedural Modeling and Interactive Graphical Editing for the
Design of Abstract Geometrical Sculptures." FASE_SMI, Geometry Summit, Vancouver BC, June 21,
2019. my
- 319
- C. H. Séquin, "Modular Construction of
Symmetrical Knots." FASE_SMI, Geometry
Summit, Vancouver BC, June 21, 2019. my
- 320
- C. H. Séquin, "From Seifert Surfaces to Star Cinders" Bridges
Conf. Proc., pp 179 - 186, Linz, Austria, July ,
2019. my