This course provides an introduction to the modern state space theory of
linear systems for students of circuits, communications, controls and signal
processing. In some sense it is a second course in linear systems, since it
builds on an understanding that students have seen linear systems in use in at
least some context before. The course is on the one hand quite classical and
develops some rather well developed material, but on the other hand is quite
modern and topical in that it provides a sense of the new vistas in embedded
systems, computer vision, hybrid systems and other current areas of strong
research activity. The outline of the course is available here in both PDF
format or in HTML
Important Notice
The official departmental home page for the class with scanned versions of
the lecture notes and the discussion section notes and all the information
contained on this home page is here .
Instructor: Prof. S. Shankar
Sastry Lecture: Tu Th 9:30 - 11 am. 106 MOffitt Office Hours: M 2-3
pm., W 3-4 pm. in 284 Hearst Memorial Mining Building or by
appointment Tel: (510) 642-1857 E-mail:
Teaching Assistant: Ms. Onureena
Banerjee Section: Th 12:30 - 2:00 pm,106 Moffitt Library Office
Hours: Tu 8:30 - 9:30 am, F 10-12 am. in 297 Cory Hall or by appointment in her
office 262 M Cory Hall Tel: (510) 642 7153 E-mail:
Homework Sets
Set 1 Due in Section Friday September 9th. In light of changes in the
section timing to Th 12:30 -2 the due date is changed to Tuesday September 13th
in class.
Bug on Problem 4, Left hand inequality on Sylvester's inequality should read
Rank B - dim { N(A)} Bug on Problem 6 part (a): the transfer function in
the 1,1 entry should be G_1 (I+ G_2 G_1)^{-1} and the transfer function in the
2,2 entry should be G_2 (I + G_1 G_2)^{-1}. By the way for these feedback loops
a pnemonic for remembering when the formulas are correct is to note that G_1 and
G_2 alternate in the formulas.