;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: logic/test.lisp ;;;; Testing Logical Inference (deftest logic "Some simple examples in Propositional Logic" "First, just test the infix reader." ((logic "P=>Q <=> ~Q=>~P") '(<=> (=> P Q) (=> (not Q) (not P)))) "Print a truth table, as on [p 169]." ((truth-table "(P | H) ^ ~H => P")) "Some simple examples" ((validity "P=>Q <=> ~Q=>~P") 'valid) ((validity "SillyQuestion") 'satisfiable) ((validity "~SillyQuestion") 'satisfiable) ((validity "ToBe or not ToBe") 'valid) ((validity "ToBe and not ToBe") 'unsatisfiable) ((validity "((S => W1|W2|W3|W4) ^ S ^ (~W1^~W2^~W3)) => W4") 'valid) ((validity "Ok ^ (Ok <=> ~W^~P) => ~W") 'valid) ((setf kb (make-prop-kb))) ((tell kb "S => W1|W2|W3|W4")) ((tell kb "S")) ((tell kb "~W1")) ((tell kb "~W2")) ((ask kb "W4") 'nil) ((tell kb "~W3")) ((ask kb "W4") 't) ((tell kb "Ok <=> ~W ^ ~P")) ((tell kb "Ok")) ((ask kb "W") 'nil) ((ask kb "~W") 't) ((tell kb "ToBe and ~ToBe")) ((ask kb "SillyQuestion") 't) "A look at Normal forms (conjunctive, implicative, and Horn)." ((->cnf '(<=> P Q)) '(AND (OR P (NOT Q)) (OR (NOT P) Q))) ((->inf '(<=> P Q)) '(AND (=> Q P) (=> P Q))) ((->horn '(<=> P Q)) '(AND (=> Q P) (=> P Q))) ((->cnf '(=> (not P) R)) '(OR R P)) ((->inf '(=> (not P) R)) '(=> TRUE (OR R P))) "Use the KB to solve the `Wumpus at [1,3]' problem [p 174-176]." "This builds a KB with 12 propositional symbols -- about the max." "you can do without starting to slow down." ((setq kb1 (make-prop-kb))) "The initial state of knowledge" ((tell kb1 "~S11 ^ ~S21 ^S12 ^ ~B11 ^ B21 ^ ~B12")) "Rules R1 through R4" ((tell kb1 "~S11 => ~W11 ^ ~W12 ^ ~W21")) ((tell kb1 "~S21 => ~W11 ^ ~W21 ^ ~W22 ^ ~W31")) ((tell kb1 "~S12 => ~W11 ^ ~W12 ^ ~W22 ^ ~W13")) ((tell kb1 "S12 => W13 | W12 | W22 | W11")) "Now the query -- this may take a while." ((ask kb1 "W13") *) "Now a quick demo of the Horn Logic backward chainer." ((setf kb2 (make-horn-kb))) "Now we define the Member predicate." ((tell kb2 "Member(x,Cons(x,y))")) ((tell kb2 "Member(x,rest) => Member(x,Cons(y,rest))")) ((ask-each kb2 "Member(x,Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil))))" #'print)) ((ask-patterns kb2 "Member(x,Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil))))" "x") '(1 2 3)) ((ask-pattern kb2 "Member(x,Cons(1,Cons(2,Cons(3,Nil)))) & x=2" "x") '2) ((ask-patterns kb2 "s = Cons(1,Cons(2,Nil)) & Member(x,s) & Member(y,s)" '($x $y)) '((1 1) (1 2) (2 1) (2 2))) "A family relationships knowledge base and problem." ((tell kb2 '(Mother Gerda Peter))) ((tell kb2 '(Father Torsten Peter))) ((tell kb2 '(Father Peter Isabella))) ((tell kb2 '(Father Peter Juliet))) ((tell kb2 '(=> (mother $x $y) (parent $x $y)))) ((tell kb2 '(=> (father $x $y) (parent $x $y)))) ((tell kb2 '(=> (and (parent $g $p) (parent $p $c)) (grand-parent $g $c)))) ((ask-patterns kb2 '(grand-parent $x $y)) '((Grand-parent Gerda Isabella) (Grand-parent Gerda Juliet) (Grand-parent Torsten Isabella) (Grand-parent Torsten Juliet))) "Now the 'Criminal' problem from [p 271-272]." ((setf kb3 (make-horn-kb))) ((tell kb3 "American(x) ^ Weapon(y) ^ Nation(z) ^ Hostile(z) ^ Sells(x,z,y) => Criminal(x)")) ((tell kb3 "Owns(Nono,M1)")) ((tell kb3 "Missle(M1)")) ((tell kb3 "Owns(Nono,x) ^ Missle(x) => Sells(West,Nono,x)")) ((tell kb3 "Missle(x) => Weapon(x)")) ((tell kb3 "Enemy(x,America) => Hostile(x)")) ((tell kb3 "American(West)")) ((tell kb3 "Nation(Nono)")) ((tell kb3 "Enemy(Nono,America)")) ((tell kb3 "Nation(America)")) ((ask kb3 "Criminal(West)") 't) ((ask-pattern kb3 "Criminal(x)" "x") 'West) )