Format of the Input File ------------------------ The input file consists of sets of four points on each line x y z c x = x coordinate of a point (real) y = y coordinate of a point (real) z = z coordinate of a point (real) c = colour and/or drawing method (integer) if (c = 0) move to the x,y,z point without drawing if (c > 0) draw a line to the x,y,z point from the current position using colour c if (c < 0) draw a dot at x,y,z using colour -c where if (c = 1) colour is red if (c = 2) colour is green if (c = 3) colour is blue if (c = 4) colour is yellow if (c = 5) colour is purple if (c = 6) colour is cyan if (c > 6) colour is white eg 0.5 2.3 -1 0 # moves to point 0.5 2.3 -1 without drawing 3 5 6 2 # draws red line from 0.05 2.3 -1 to 3 5 6 5 -5 2 -3 # plots blue dot at 5 -5 2 The points are automatically scaled to fit in the window and rotation is about 0,0,0. The input file can be any text file. # Comment lines begin with the '#' character. Text after the four points on a line is ignored. Completely blank lines are ok (they are ignored). Contiguous comments at the very start of the file are read in and displayed in the program in the Info window. Use this to explain to the user what the image is and where it comes from. Try to keep it short otherwise the window gets too big. Internal documentation can be placed in other comments after a blank line.