
Fabbit is a web application that allows users to collaborate on STL files meant for 3D Printing. Users place their files in Dropbox, which acts as the storage and sharing mechanism for Fabbit. These files are then pulled into the Fabbit web interface, through which the user can navigate their files and view them in a customized web based viewer. The system handles various versions of files, as well as annotation in 3D space of these files. The files are shared with other users through projects, to which the users can add and remove files.

Fabbit was developed by two Berkeley undergraduates under the advice of Professors Bjoern Hartmann and Paul Wright over a six- month period. The technologies used were Ruby on Rails for the back end as well as Javascript/HTML/Three.js for the front end.

Fabbit has been used as a submission system for UC Berkeley’s fabrication class, Interactive Device Design (CS 294-84) in 2013.

This project is supported by NSF Award CMMI 1154235 - EAGER: Fabrication and Brokering Though Information Technology

This project is complete and no longer under active development.


Björn Hartmann, Paul K. Wright. Presentation at the NSF CMMI Conference, Boston, MA, July 2012.

Slides: Powerpoint file | pdf

Berkeley Contributors

Björn Hartmann
Paul K. Wright
Keien Ohta (undergraduate)
Bhavik Singh (undergraduate)


User Manual

RDoc Source Code Documentation

Source Code

The FABBIT project is open source - files are available on our GitHub repository.

Fabbit was built as a web application using Ruby on Rails; it makes use of the Dropbox API for file synchronization and the thee.js JavaScript 3D library on the client.


Fabbit is research software and certain to contain bugs. We would appreciate your contributions to improving the platform.